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Hlahloba Bokgoni bo Fapafapaneng

Kahara Khonsothiamo ya
Metaverse Academy

Hlahloba matla a tshebedisanommoho ya bomphato ba rona ba ikemiseditseng ho ntlafatsa thupello ya dithuto le ya seprofeshenale bokgoning bo bohlokwa ba thekenoloji e kenelletseng.


Bursa Eskisehir Bilecik Development Agency

Bursa, Türkiye

BEBKA ke mokgatlo wa selehae o laolang ntshetsopele ka ho matlafatsa kgokahanyo le tshebedisano lekaleng la mmuso, provaete le mekgatlo e seng ya mmuso; e nehelana ka ditharollo tse tsepameng ho ditaba tsa selehae ho mathata a selehae le ho tsebahatsa paballo ya ntshetsopele ka mokgwa wa phetolo ya tse tala le moruo wa sedikwadikwe. Ho fihlella morero ona, BEBKA e dula e sebetsa ka dipilara tse tsheletseng: Boekgobiso, Botala le fetolelo ya tsa marangrang, Thupello ya Dithuto tsa Matsoho le Boqapi, ntshetsopele ya mahaeng le khiro ya batjha.


Sabanci University

Istanbul, Türkiye

Sabanci University e tsebahala le matjhabatjhabeng jwalo ka yunivesithi e tsepameng ho diphuputso le boqapi naheng ya Turkey. Ka 2023, SU e hlahile ho diyunivesithi tse hodimo tse 500 lefatsheng mme ya tswa boemong ba bobedi Turkey ho latela Maemo a Diyunivesithi a Lefatshe. Ka ha sehlopha sa Sabanci se na le dimelo tse fetang 20 tsa diphuputso le tshebediso ya boiphihlelo ho Ho ithuta ho Matlafaditsweng ka Thekenoloji le Dithekenoloji tse Matla, tsebo ena e tla kenyelletswa projekeng ena. Mohokahanyi o tsamaisitse di Erasmus tse tshwanang tse 3 diprojeke nakong e fetileng mme ha jwale o etsa diphuputso ka AR/VR/XR. Sehlopha se phethetse projeke ya MOOC.


Babeș-Bolyai University

Cluj- Napoca, Romania

UBB ke Yunivesithi e di etelletseng pele Romania, modele wa ditso tse ngata ebile ke setho sa mokgatlo wa EUTOPIA, o shebane le boleng bo hodimo, thuto ya boqapi le ya sejwalejwale, diphuputso le dikamano tsa setjhaba. Ka moetlo wa dithuto o qadileng ka 1581, UBB ke Yunivesithi ya kgale mme e kgolo Romania mme e na le baithuti ba fetang 50 000. Ho qala ka 2016 ho fihlela hona jwale, UBB e tshwere maemo a hodimo Romania maemong a diyunivesithi – maemo a kenelletseng a tsa dithuto a kopanyang maemo a matjhaba a DIYUNIVESITHI jwalo ka ARWU, QS, THE, jj.


Universitat Jaume Ι De Castellon

Castellón, Spain

Universitat Jaume I de Castellón (UJI) ke Yunivesithi ya setjhaba setjhabeng sa Valencian, e thehilweng 1991 ho kenya letsoho ntlafatsong ya setjhaba, moruo le setso ka ho theha tsebo. E na le baithuti ba 13,685, e fana ka di-dikri tsa undergraduate tse 32, di-dikri tsa masters tse 42, le dithuto tse 33 tse ikgethang dibakeng tse nne. Yunivesithi e na le mafapha a 28 le ditsi tsa dipatlisiso tse 14 tse tsepamisitseng maikutlo dibakeng tse fapaneng tsa tsebo, tse matlafatsang dikgokahano tse matla le mafapha a moruo le a setjhaba a sebaka sa Valencian. E amohelwa ke Khomishene ya Europe, UJI e amohetse moputso wa “HR Excellence in Research” ka 2020. E maemong a bo9 Spain ho latela THE World University Rankings 2020 mme e hara ba 700 ba hodimo lefatsheng ka bophara ke lenane la Shanghai.


Vaal University Of Technology

Vanderbijlpark, Afrika Borwa

Vaal University of Technology (VUT) ke setheo sa thuto e phahameng Afrika Borwa se sebakeng sa diindaseteri tsa kgale Sebakeng sa Vaal teropong ya Vanderbijlpark, Masepala wa Setereke wa Sedibeng. VUT e ngodisa baithuti ba ka bang 20 000 selemo le selemo ho tswa hohle Afrika Borwa le Afrika. Yunivesiti e na le mafapaha a le mane a fapaneng ho qala ka Lefapha la Disaense tsa Batho, Lefapha la Disaense tsa diriswa dikhomphiyutha, Lefapha la Disaense tsa Tsamaiso le Lefapha la Boenjenere le Thekenoloji, le nehelana ka dithuto tse fapaneng. Puo ya thuto haholoholo ke Senyesemane, empa Sesotho, Sepedi le isiZulu ke tsona tse buuwang haholo ke basebetsi le baithuti mme di amohelowa dikarolong tse itseng tsa kgwebo ya Yunivesithi.


Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber Of Commerce And Industry

Ruse, Bulgaria

The Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BRCCI) ke mokgatlo o ikemetseng wa dikhamphani tse nang le thahasello ya ho ntshetsa pele kgwebo ya tsona Bulgaria le/kapa Romania. The Chamber e theha sethala se sebetsang sa phapanyetsano ya tlhahisoleseding ya mebaraka, dikgokahano tsa kgwebo le boiphihlelo bo shebaneng le sepheo se le seng sa mantlha: ho thusa bareki ba rona ho fihlela kgolo e tsitsitseng. BRCCI e fana ka sephuthelwana se felletseng sa ditshebeletso tsa dikgwebo tse entsweng ka mokgwa o ikhethileng, re bona bao e ka bang balekane, re hlophisa diketsahalo tsa B2B, ra ntshetsapele merero ya ho ntlafatsa maemo a kgwebo dinaheng tseo ka bobedi. Kaha re mokgatlo o tshelang meedi, boleng ba rona bo kgethehileng mererong yohle ke bokgoni ba rona ba ho nnetefatsa phihlello e bonolo ho dihlopha tse rerilweng ho tswa Bulgaria le Romania, moo ka ho tshwanang re thehileng marangrang a pharalletseng.


Centre For Digital Transformation And Innovation Africa (Pty) Ltd

Midrand, Afrika Borwa

Center for Digital Transformation and Innovation Africa (CXI-Africa) ke setheo se tlasa Afrika Borwa se nang le nyehelo e shebaneng le kwetliso le ntshetsopele ya phetoho ya digital e shebaneng le nnete e Atolositsweng (Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, le Mixed Reality). Moetapele ya nang le tshusumetso e hodimo phanong ya ditsebo tsa boleng ba phetoho ya dijithale le ntshetsopele ya ditaba Afrika. Ho tsamaisa phetoho ya dijithale le boiqapelo ka dithupelo le mananeo a thuto le ntshetsopele ya ditaba.


Institute for innovative and preventive job design

Gelsenkirchen, Germany

FIAP ke setsi sa dipatlisiso se sa etseng phaello se thehilweng ka 2010 ke sehlopha sa bafuputsi ba mefuta e mengata. Sepheo sa rona ke ho sebetsana le ditlhoko tsa mmaraka wa sejwale-jwale (basebetsi) ka merero ya naha le ya matjhaba ya diprojeke tsa R&D, ho batlisisa mathata a mantlha le a sebedisitsweng le ho hlahisa ditharollo tse sebetsang. Dilemong tsa morao tjena re tsepamisitse maikutlo hodima dikarolo tse nne tsa dipatlisiso: Mosebetsi o Motjha, Tswelo-pele ya Moshwelella & Ketso ya Tlelaemete, Tshebedisano ya Matjhaba ya VET le sehlooho se fapaneng sa Ntlafatso ya ditshebeletso.


Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (IED)

Larissa, Greece

Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED) ke mokgatlo o sa etseng phaello o hapileng kgau wa Sekgerike o ikemiseditseng ho tsebahatsa boqapi le ntshetsopele ya moya wa bohwebi. O thehilwe ka 2005, Larisaa, Greece, iED ke Setsi sa Bokgabane se tswetseng pele bohwebing ba Yuropa ebile ke Setsi sa Boqapi ba tsa Dijithale se holang ka pele, se ngodisitswe jwalo ka setho sa lenane la DIHs la Khomishene ya Yuropa.



Ankara, Türkiye

Eyesoft Bilisim ke khamphani e ikemetseng e fumanehang Technopark ya Middle East Technical University (METU). Eyesoft Bilisim e tsepamisitse maikutlo hodima phihlelo ya dipatlisiso le ntshetsopele, haholo-holo ho software ya sethaleng, thuto ya e-learning, ho sebedisana le khomphiyutha ya motho, nnete e ntseng e eketseha, nnete ya sebele, tlhahiso ya divideo, mohlala wa 3D, le dihlooho tsa ho etsisa. Ho feta moo, Eyesoft Bilisim e fana ka boeletsi ho mekgatlo mabapi le tshebediso ya ICT, kopanyo ya theknoloji, ho lekola leihlo, UX, le ditaba tsa tshebediso.


EON Development AB

Gothenburg, Sweden

EON Reality ke moetapele wa lefatshe wa Artificial Intelligence-powered Augmented and Virtual Reality-based boiphihlelo bakeng sa tharollo ya thuto le indasteri. Re dumela hore tsebo ke tokelo ya motho mme e lokela ho fumaneha, ho fumanwa ke sa motho e mong le e mong lefatsheng.


PEDAL Consulting SRO

Martin, Slovakia

PEDAL Consulting, s.r.o ke feme e sebetsanang le tsamaiso ya boqapi e sebetsang haholo bohwebing le ntshetsopeleng ya kgwebo mekgatlelong yohle ya yona. E na le dilemo tse 12 le ho feta tsa boiphihlelo ba moralo le kenyo tshebetsong ya dimodele tsa bomphato le tshebedisano e ntse e shebana le diphepetso tsa setjhaba. PEDAL hape ke SME ya naha e di hatelang pele ka matlole a tjhaetsweng monwana le ho kenywa tshebetsong ka katleho ka tlasa Horizon 2020, Horison ya Yuropa le mananeo a COSME a Yuropa. Khomishene. Khamphane e laela diteko tsa ho fetola mehopolo e metle ho tswa ho laboratory ho ya ho ditharallo tse etelletsweng pele ke kgwebo mmarakeng. PEDAL Consulting e na le mabatowa a mang ho setho sa matjhaba sa EU, empa a mang a mangata Yuropa, Eurasia, Afrika, MENA, Amerika e ka Borwa le Matjhaba a Kopaneng



Tel Aviv, Israel

Twinnovation ke boeletsi bo thehilweng ho Isiraele bo tshehetsang di-SME le di-Startups ho fumaneng tjhelete e sa thekeseleng ho tswa ho dithuso tsa EU bakeng sa merero ya bona ya boqapi. Re sebetsana le mefuta e mengata ya dithuto, ho kenyeletsa Bophelo, Matla a Hlwekileng, Dithekenoloji tse Fetolang, Thekenoloji e Kenelletseng, ICT le bophelo bo botle. Re thusa basebetsuwa ba rona ka ho lekola le ho theha di modele tsa dikgwebo tsa bona, ho ba hlophisetsa dikopo tsa thuso ya matlole le ho ba tataisa tselatshebotsong eo kaofela.

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